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Market Force Blog: CX (4)

The Importance of Monitoring Online Reviews for CX

Experiences no longer happen in vacuums, which means what happens to one customer can easily be...

3 Ways To Use Cameras And Beacons To Audit Customer Experience

The plethora of data can be overwhelming. How can you find the ROI in your camera, beacon, and...

Effectively Manage Social Media Reviews And Improve Results

We can all agree that social media reviews need to be handled, so how do you best go about it? Here...

Using Customer Experience Analytics To Predict Fuel Sales

Using the power of customer experience analytics and sophisticated causal financial modeling, the...

Our Wireless Carriers: What We Love And Hate

So what kind of customer experience do the wireless carriers provide—and what do we love and hate...

Are Apparel Retailers Delivering An Experience That Inspires Loyalty?

This week Market Force will release its fashion retail industry research. Consumers have given us...